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Beautiful Canoe branded fonts are Didact Gothic, for ordinary text:


and Source Code Pro for code:



Didact Gothic and Source Code Pro are both licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

Embed Font

Google Fonts provides three mechanisms for including a typeface in a site: with a link element, a CSS @import rule, or with JavaScript. By convention we use Web Font Loader to load only the subsets of the fonts we need.

The following example loads the Beautiful Canoe brand fonts at the required font-weights (300, 400, 700), and the Latin subset. If glyphs from other subsets will be required, you will need to from the latin argument.

<!-- Web Font Loader licensed by the Apache License v2.0 -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Didact Gothic licensed by SIL OFL v1.1. See: -->
<!-- Source Code Pro licensed by SIL OFL v1.1. See: -->
    google: {
        families: ['Didact+Gothic:300,400,700:latin',

Specify in CSS

Use the following CSS rules to specify these families in CSS or SASS:

font-family: 'Source Code Pro', monospace;
font-family: 'Didact Gothic', sans-serif;

Font weights

Ensure that the font-weight property is defined using a numerical value rather than a keyword, and that the weight you are after is being loaded:

  • 100 - N/A
  • 300 - N/A
  • 400 - normal
  • 600 - N/A
  • 700 - bold

Font sizes

Online text should not have fixed font sizes, but instead should use typography scaling. With a typographic scale, each font size is a fixed ratio larger than two font sizes either side of it.

See Further Reading for a selection of articles on typographic scaling.

:root {
    $interval: 1.2;    // Unitless for proportional, unit for fixed.
    $body-text: 1rem;  // Must have a unit.
    $scale-min: -2;
    $scale-max: 4;

    --int: #{$interval};
    --scale0: #{$body-text};

    @if $scale-min < 0 {
        // Generate scale variables smaller than the base text size.
        @for $i from -1 through $scale-min {
            @if type-of($interval) == number {
                @if unitless($interval) {
                    --scale#{$i}: calc(var(--scale#{$i + 1}) / var(--int));
                } @else {
                    --scale#{$i}: calc(var(--scale#{$i + 1}) - var(--int));
    @if $scale-max > 0 {
        // Generate scale variables larger than the base text size.
        @for $i from 1 through $scale-max {
            @if type-of($interval) == number {
                @if unitless($interval) {
                    --scale#{$i}: calc(var(--scale#{$i - 1}) * var(--int));
                } @else {
                    --scale#{$i}: calc(var(--scale#{$i - 1}) + var(--int));

The interval between font sizes should be dependent on the size of the screen. The larger the screen size, the larger the interval between font sizes:

@media (min-width: 22em) {
    :root {
        --int: 1.1
@media (min-width: 32em) {
    :root {
        --int: 1.4
@media (min-width: 42em) {
    :root {
        --int: 1.6

Microsoft equivalent fonts

The TTF version of Didact Gothic can be downloaded here. Souce Code Pro has TTF versions of all its variants here.

Further reading