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W3C publishes Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which we should aim to follow as closely as possible. The BBC guidelines are also useful, and well worth reading.


ARIA attributes are designed to give meaning to markup elements. They are a critical step to ensuring that our products can be used by the widest audience possible, for example those users who access the web via a screen reader.

Try to avoid using generic links which do not describe the text being linked to, such as "Read More". Where unavoidable, use aria-label to provide a more verbose description of the link contents, or aria-labelledby to reference a more descriptive element. While the title attribute might seem logical, it is ignored by screen readers.

<h1 id="brown-fox-title">DevOps at Beautiful Canoe</h1>

<!-- Screen reader says: "Link; Article about the DevOps at Beautiful Canoe" -->
<a href="#" aria-label="Article about DevOps at Beautiful Canoe">Read more</a>

<!-- Screen reader says: "Link; DevOps at Beautiful Canoe" -->
<a href="#" aria-labelledby="brown-fox-title">Read more</a>


The HTML alt attribute on images is required, and should provide a concise summary of the image contents. A more verbose description can be added using aria-describedby, which is especially useful if the image has an associated caption.


The colour palette here was produced with Adobe Color and based on the lake photograph on the Beautiful Canoe website. Any changes to the palette should be checked with a tool such as Colorblinding (for Chrome) or Let's Go Color Blind (for Firefox).


Resources exist to guide the developer through a straightforward accessibility audit. Wave can be installed as a browser plugin and run regularly in the developer environment. On a regular basis, a Google Lighthouse audit should be run by the developer. This can also be added to the CI/CD pipeline, to provide regular feedback on the production environment:

    image: markhobson/node-chrome
    stage: audit
        - schedules
        LIGHTHOUSE_TEST_URL: https://URL...
        - npm i -g lighthouse
        - lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless --no-sandbox" $LIGHTHOUSE_TEST_URL --max-wait-for-load 300000--output html --output-path ./report.html
            - ./report.html
        expire_in: 1 week

The schedule for this CI job should be reasonable conservative, say, weekly at most, as the audit itself takes a reasonably long time to run.